Dr Harry Surtie Hospital
Hospital Address: Turner St, Upington Extension, Upington, 8801,
Hospital Number: 054 338 6100
NNICU Number: 054 332 9001
Contact: Nutrition Department:054 332 9043 or 054 332 9042.)
Kimberly Hospital Complex
The Kimberly Hospital Human Milk bank was established under the auspices of the Fuchs Foundation in 2007/08. Since then the human milk bank has been showing positive banking and feeds the NICU on site as well as acts as top up facility for Universitas hospital. Kimberly Hospital is a secondary facility and refers patients to Universitas, maintaining consistent modes of feeding amongst referral hospitals is a key to healthy babies across NICU. In other words if referral hospitals transfer babies with infections that are associated with feeding practices these babies put at risk the infants in the NICU they are referred to and therefore it is of utmost importance that Tertiary and Secondary hospital facilities embrace the same infant feeding culture so as not burden one another.
Hospital Address: Du Toitspan Rd, Belgravia, Kimberly, 8301
Hospital Number: 053 802 9111
NNICU Number: 053 802 2142
Nutrition Department:053 802 2233