
Proposed New Programme C: SOStainer Mobile Container Clinics

Programme mission statement:

The vision of the SOStainer Project is to bring a range of maternal and infant health and early childhood development services to rural communities that are remote from existing clinics.

Project goal:

The potential impact is a reduction of mortality and morbidity associated with diarrhoeal disease and pneumonia (the top two killers under 5) and a reduction in maternal mortality through a mixed strategy that supports grassroot advocacy and health communication whilst delivering key primary health services such as immunisation and nutrition support.

The long-term target is to see a drop in fatalities caused by diarrhoea of at least 10% in the first 5 years and an uptake of immunisation from 57.7% to at least 80%. We also aim to see an increase in exclusive breastfeeding rates for all children.

Programme description:

This project combines an established human milk-bank model with “green” technology, primary health access, mobility and community-based assets to overcome barriers of distance, time and resources. The SOStainer is solar-powered, with a replenishable water supply, and has greater potential than just processing breastmilk.

The containers will provide the basis for a holistic, home-based care programme that will include:

  • Breastfeeding support and nutrition,
  • Collecting and pasteurising and distributing DBM
  • Family planning,
  • ARVs and HIV Counselling,
  • Immunisation
  • 5 pillars of Child Development

The containers can be delivered by truck and installed on site or loaded onto a railcar and coupled to either or both of the world-renowned Phelophepa Trains of Hope that deliver general medical and dental services to rural communities throughout South Africa.

SOStainer - front

SOStainer - rear

SOStainer - top

SOStainer - side

SOStainer - 40Ft - Simple idea for rough layout